Friday, June 27, 2014

metro solo

(My attempt at a cool photoshop collage like the ones in ROOKIE Magazine)
Taking your metro/subway system in stride and riding the train on your own is so empowering and SO MUCH FUN!  Throw a few friends in there, too - just NO PARENTS.  I was originally going to create an entirely new blog for the tween age group and center it around this very post, until I realized that tweens (typically aged 11-13) should not ride the metro on their own in fear they may be recognized as children.  That is why I am (kind of) accompanied by my dad in the collage above.  Until I scratched him out.  Because now I am METRO SOLO.

P.S. if you have been Metro Solo for a very long time and find the following information quite obvious, I'm sorry.

How to be Metro Solo (let the phrase catch on):

1.  Where to? (optional)
The train goes places, doncha know.  Use a set destination as an incentive to hop on the train with enthusiasm.  Go to a far-off grocery store, the mall, or even a new town with cool stuff in it.  Meet a friend who you'd have to drive a ways to get to.

2.  Mapping
You may have to walk an intricate path to actually get to the metro/train/subway station, and from that metro station you may end up at another metro station where you may hop on a different train.  It's complicated, and I recommend using Google Maps to get ya through it.  Type the address of your destination into the address bar, making sure to click the little train icon beneath it.  Directions will -tada!!- be provided.

3.  Gear
Why not take use of the handy bike lockers they have at your metro station and bike there?  Another system to get to know!  Also, don't forget a backpack with snacks and maps and phones and stuff in it.

That's about it!  You barely needed instructions.  Have fun mastering your land.  This is YOUR LAND!

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